Varieties of Elastic Cord for Product Tags

Product tags are often one of the last-considered elements of the merchandising process—although it’s usually one of the first things a customer looks for when first encountering your product. Elastic Connections makes a wide variety of looped elastic cord in different gauges, colors and lengths so you can design and attach the product tag that will best fit into your merchandising strategy. For example:

Elastic cord with knot (knotted elastic loops)

These are the simplest type of attachment for product tags and are most commonly used for clothing tags. You can design literally any type of hang tag you want to go along with your apparel merchandise, and then we can provide bulk knotted elastic loops in many different colors to fit your design specifications. Of course, knotted elastic loops are appropriate for any product that needs a basic hang tag.


Elastic loops with ball

Elastic loops with ball attachments make excellent product tags for higher-end items. A silver or gold ball covering the knotted elastic loop can add an extra panache to products like handbags, luggage, some heavier apparel items like coats, jackets, boots, etc. Depending on the packaging, elastic loops with ball can also be used for food items in jars, perfume and similarly packaged items. The main thing to remember about using elastic loops with ball attachment is that they add just a little extra bling to your product packaging.


Pre-Tied Elastic Bows

If your product comes in a box, pre-tied elastic bows are an excellent way to merchandise. Gourmet boxed food items, jewelry, boxed apparel, etc. can all benefit from pre-tied elastic bows. These bows come in a wide variety of widths (anything from satin ribbon bows to metallic elastic cord bows) to fit your product packaging and design needs.

Elastic Loop with Pretied Bows

Contact Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 to discuss the type of elastic loops or pre-tied bows you need for your product tags or packaging.