Author Archives: Laura

Hang Tag String Loops of All Kinds

Whether you sell perfume, candles, whiskey, jam, clothing, gourmet sauces or anything else needing a hang tag, you also need elastic hang tag string loops to attach the price tags. You may also want to have customized hang tags that stand out for your merchandising efforts. But what do you actually call those price tag strings so you can find them in bulk? Stretchy price tag loops? Elastic loops for hang tags? So many names for one thing.

Hang Tag String Loops

One problem people encounter when searching for hang tag loops is that they may have different product characteristics in mind:

  • Metallic elastic price tag loops
  • Elastic string with tassels (or elastic cord with tassels)
  • Colored elastic price tag loops
  • Bulk elastic hang tag strings
  • Elastic cord with ball
  • Knotted elastic string loops for hang tags or price tags
  • Bulk elastic string with knots
  • Knotted elastic hang tag loops

And on and on, in any number of combinations. If you are marketing a sophisticated perfume, liquor or gourmet sauce or syrup, bulk colored elastic loops with tassels might be just what you need. Bulk metallic elastic loops with silver or gold balls are great for boots or luggage. You may only need knotted hang tag loops so people focus entirely on the product.

Hang Tag String Loops

No matter what kind of bulk hang tag loops you need for your product, Elastic Connections has a huge variety of them. Tasseled, knotted, simple elastic, twisted rayon cord, metallic elastic loops, some with pre-tied bows or elastic loops with gold balls on the end too.

Hang Tag String Loops

The name of the hang tag string loops isn’t as important as making sure you get the right elastic loops for your product. Contact Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 to talk with one of our representatives who can help you get exactly the bulk elastic hang tag loops that will fit with your marketing and merchandising needs.

Mask Elastic Strings

Face mask manufacturing is booming business these days. The Chinese market demand for dust and virus face masks is through the roof. Demand for surgical masks and dust masks for people working hospitals, construction and emergency management is also up. To meet this demand, face mask manufacturers need to keep stocks of mask elastic strings on hand for the process.

Bulk Mask Elastic Strings

One problem manufacturers encounter when sourcing bulk mask elastic string is finding the correct search terminology. It seems like this one essential item for face masks goes by many names, so it can be difficult to track down when you need to find a good deal. Here are some potential search combinations you may have tried:

  • Bulk face mask elastic
  • Elastic straps for face masks
  • Elastic bands for face masks
  • Stretchy bands for dust masks
  • Elastic cord for face masks

You may have even typed elastic chords for face masks. Typically, you can find this type of elastic chord under the “elastic string and thread” heading, and then pick the diameter and type that you need. But whether you call them bands, straps, cords or even chords, it’s important to get the right type of elastic string for this particular application as it has some special requirements. For instance:

  • Comfort—The face mask elastic string should be covered in soft fabric for going over the face and around the head; bare elastic can chafe and catch in the hair.
  • Strength—In situations where the face and breathing must be protected from environmental pollutants or germs, the elastic straps on the face mask must be durable enough to withstand vigorous use, whether that’s on a job site, in a hospital or during an emergency situation.
  • Elasticity—You want to have face mask elastic string that maintains good elasticity and doesn’t become loose, which can compromise the mask’s ability to filter out contaminants.

Contact Elastic Connections today to order bulk face mask elastic string today.

Elastic Cord with Metal Ends

Thousands of people, working in several different industries, need bulk quantities of a particularly useful, yet hard-to-name item: barbed elastic cord. That’s the technical term. But whether you need to order boxes of these for your restaurant menus, theater programs, Halloween mask manufacturing, POP signage, trade shows, etc., these “stretchy thingies with metal ends” and “elastic mask fasteners with metal ends” and “elastic cord with metal ends” are available, and yet, how do you search for them when you literally can only think of the word “elastic thingies with metal tips”? You’re not alone by any stretch—we’re here to help.

Would Elastic Cord with Metal Tags Stretch as Far by Any Other Name?

Here are some of the most common search queries you might have tried if you were looking for barbed elastic cord recently:

  • Elastic cord with metal ends
  • Stretchy cord with metal things on the end
  • Elastic cord with metal stoppers
  • Elastic cord with metal tag ends
  • Stretch cord with metal tips
  • Elastic cord with prongs
  • Elastic cord with metal barbs on the ends

All of these queries are easy to understand, but sometimes difficult to pin down when you actually need to find this particular item for a manufacturing or marketing project. That is often the case with small, yet essential elements of any project—nailing down what the actual industry terminology is so that you can easily find what you want since, “stretchy thingies with metal tips” could really define more than one thing. So here we are.

Elastic Cord with Metal Ends = Barbed Elastic Cord

The two metal pieces on each end of the elastic cord are called “barbs”. They help the elastic cord hold securely to the item you need to stretch, whether those are Carnival masks, restaurant menus, programs for theater or other events, name tags, trade show signage, POP displays, etc.

Elastic Cord with Metal Ends (Barbed Elastic Cord)

Elastic Cord with Metal Ends (Barbed Elastic Cord)

Contact Elastic Connections today to order bulk stretchy cord with metal stoppers—A.K.A “barbed elastic cord” for your next project: 847-426-6830.

Using Bookmarks as Marketing Swag

While marketers worldwide scramble for the next great marketing tool, there’s one humble, yet surprisingly effective item that builds brand awareness all the time—particularly with a well-read demographic: tasseled bookmarks. Hoards of early e-reader adopters are turning back to the traditional folds of paper in droves, making bulk bookmark tassels a must-have brand-building ingredient for intelligent marketers.

Why Bulk Bookmark Tassels for Marketing?

Bookmarks never get old—Readers need them all the time. If you market to a highly-educated customer, the bookmark is useful and frequently seen by your target—a double marketing win.

Bookmark Tassels get attention—With bright colors and a soft feel, bookmark tassels are a sensory item people remember. Instead of using a folded sticky note or a torn scrap of paper, your target customer would much rather have an easy to see, nice to feel, always-at-the-ready bookmark.

Value-Added Bookmarks—Your marketing team can go beyond just bulk bookmark tassels attached to branded cardstock; Why not make the bookmark extra useful with a QR code they can scan for a discounted snack or beverage or some other special offer they can use on more than one occasion? Print useful information your customer needs on the bookmark so they reach for it often and remember how helpful you’ve been.

Make it a VIP Bookmark—You can even go beyond the coupon idea and use tasseled, branded bookmarks as a VIP program for your customers. By showing the bookmark, they can receive a regular discount on products or services that you offer.

Unique Bookmark Designs—Rise above the ordinary rounded rectangle with a tassel with your bookmark calling cards. Consider die cuts, unexpected colors and textures, vellum paper, surprising images that people remember, etc. The unexpected goes a long way towards cementing your brand in a person’s memory.

Contact Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 to discuss all the color and thread options of bulk bookmark tassels for your bookmark marketing project.

2 POP Signage Trends Stretch with Barbed Elastic Cord

It seems the widely-reported demise of brick and mortar shops has been prematurely overhyped—the search for “stores near me” on mobile devices is stronger than ever as people still insist on “trying before buying” and having a pleasing, personal interaction during the shopping experience. So retailers will still need fresh POP signage for displays and décor; and with it, bulk barbed elastic cord to hang and stretch the signage. The latest trends for POP signage include:

Stretchy Fabrics—The hot new POP signage trend is silicone edged, printed fabric. Strong stretch cord with metal barbs can be used to affix the signage to the ceiling while the edges slip over a framework to keep the signage flat from side to side. Digital or dye sublimation printing makes the signage look nothing like fabric, particularly if the display is backlit. This fabric is also easy to ship and store as it packs down into small spaces and is lighter than many other signage options.

LED Lighting—Combine stretched, printed fabric with LED backlighting and you’ve got a real winner. Signage with LED lighting can be lightweight, small, and energy efficient all at once, which makes it a stunning, yet cost-effective solution to attention-getting POP signage. LED lit signage is easy to hang with barbed elastic cord from just about any surface.

POP Stretch Designs Using Barbed Elatic Cord

Incorporating these two lightweight, energy-saving POP signage elements into your retail environment gives you more flexibility with your time and your budget. Displays are easy to set up with barbed elastic cord to anchor them and they save energy (read: money) and space so you can spend more time providing your customers with an immersive, personalized experience that entices them to keep coming into the store instead of just ordering online.

To order bulk elastic cord with metal tabs or barbs for your POP signage, get a hold of Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 and we can help.

3 Hot Trends in Apparel Hang Tags with Loops

Some apparel hang tags are so awesome that people don’t even throw them away after they’ve been snipped from the article of clothing. Now they double as elegant bookmarks and a constant brand reminder. Get your bulk hang tag loops from Elastic Connections and make sure your string tags are awesome with these 3 elements:

Use Natural Fibers and Inks for Your Hang Tag

Today’s consumer demands that everything, right down to the string tags on your apparel, is as ethically sourced and natural as possible. If you follow that creed in your clothing manufacturing, follow that down to the cardstock for your hang tags. Whatever your string tag design is, consider recycled fibers for the card stock to convey natural sourcing.

Essentialism Rules the Hang Tag

More than just “simplicity” or “minimalism”, essentialism boils the crazy noise of the fashion world down to what the wearer needs now. Convey this idea with your hang tag with simple, stylish fonts that give the apparel buyer advice on how to wear the creation. Keep text to a minimum, however, and try to keep it as simple and direct as possible.

Use the Element of Surprise—Even on Your Hang Tags

Use shape, color and wording to surprise your buyers, even with the hang tag. Consider using custom die-cut card stock over the traditional rectangular tag. Grab attention with shockingly-colored or patterned papers: marbled, foil, glittery, shimmery papers are all eye-poppers. Use bold fonts and other elements that fit with your branding scheme.

Clever use of these 3 elements will have your buyers hanging onto your hang tag long after they’ve worn and re-worn your apparel items, which will only increase the amount of brand awareness your apparel line can enjoy.

Contact Elastic Connections to discover all of the options you have in bulk hang tag loops and string for apparel price tags: 847-426-6830.

Sewing Elastic for Spring Fashion Trends

If you’re a clothing manufacturer who’s been following the news from the Paris, New York, Milan and London fashion houses, you’re probably excited to ship some very colorful and bold things to shops around the nation. One thing we’ve noticed is that everything this year will need to stretch: from boldly-patterned stretch leggings that encase even the shoes to sporty, stretchy fashions that go from the gym to 5th Avenue. Here’s why you need to stock up on spools of sewing elastic now:

Bare Shoulders—This year, we continue a trend that started last year for at least one, if not two shoulders out in the sun. Clearly, this type of fashion statement demands secure, stretchy sewing elastic to hold it in place. Think broad, bold stripes and loud, pink and fuchsia florals. Even bright blue and green iridescent shine is hot for spring. The colors are all bright like candy this season.

Bold Leggings—What started out as a practical fashion item last year is exploding this spring in more colors and lengths than ever. The total one-color-cover of leggings from hip all the way down over the shoes is an exciting new style that clearly requires stretch in all the right places with lots of apparel elastic.

Romantic Florals and Exciting Stripes—Get ready for bright and bold in all shapes and sizes this spring, but be particularly ready to go with stripes and florals. Several fashion houses are still in love with the bright boho patchwork look, in everything from elegant gowns to flouncy skirts of all lengths. Shirt and sheath dresses with extremely bold stripes are definitely in style this season too. Regardless of what type of apparel you’re producing, bulk apparel elastic is going to come in handy.

Sewing Elastic 2017 Apprel Trends

This spring is an exciting one for fashion! Contact Elastic Connections at 847-426-6830 to stock up on bulk apparel elastic in bright colors to thrill spring fashionistas this season!

Elastic Bows for Valentines Boxes

Valentine’s Day generated nearly $19 billion in 2016 for retailers selling jewelry, clothing and chocolates. Merchandisers dial up the romance and cut out the stress for those celebrating by stocking up on pre-tied elastic bows. Package your wares elegantly in-store so customers don’t have to spend extra time wrapping the gift items before giving them.

Pre-Tied Elastic Bows in Valentines Colors

Of course, everyone thinks of red, pink, silver and gold-colored packaging for merchandising during the Valentine’s sales period, but our pre-tied elastic bows for boxes come in a rainbow assortment of colors if your branding scheme demands a different direction. We have 25 different colors in the 1.2 mm gauge, and red, gold and silver in the 1.7 mm gauge, although we can do custom colors in bulk for either size, depending on what you need.

Ordering Bulk Pre-Tied Elastic Bows for Valentines Packaging

Whether you sell jewelry, chocolates or small clothing items and accessories during Valentines, you can use the following to help you decide what length of bulk pre-tied bows to order. Of course, call and talk with us if you need a custom length and we can advise you:

  • Boxes of 3″ x 2″ x 1″ do well with a 3-inch pre-tied bow (appropriate for rings, earrings, bracelets and small necklaces).
  • Boxes of 3.5″ x 3.5″ x 1″ need a 4-inch pre-tied bow (good for packaging larger bracelets and small necklaces).
  • Boxes of 6.5″ x 3.25″ x 1″ usually require a 5-inch elastic loop (larger necklaces).

For clothing, accessories, larger pieces of jewelry or chocolates:

  • 7″ x 5″ x 1″ boxes do well with a 7-inch pre-tied bow.
  • 10″ x 7 x 1.25″ boxes work well with an 8-inch loop.

Contact Elastic Connections today to order bulk pre-tied elastic bows in an assortment of colors and lengths to be ready for your Valentine’s merchandising needs, or call and talk with us personally about custom orders at 847-426-6830.

Twisted Rayon Cord for Gift Bags

Although some sticklers insist that a gift isn’t complete unless it’s wrapped in a box, more people have turned to gift bags over wrapping paper since 2002. In fact, retailers of fine products such as jewelry, accessories and gourmet food items love gift bags as a practical packaging solution and a spiffy way to boost brand awareness. Twisted rayon cord for gift bags is a super finishing touch for gift bags.

Gift Bags with Twisted Cord Handles

Twisted Rayon Cord Gives Gift Bags a Classy Touch

Twisted rayon cord’s shine and rich color add a pop and a depth to the overall gift bag design. It’s classy to the point that even the fussiest of gift packagers can feel comfortable using the retail gift bag as the final gift wrap itself. Best of all, gift givers are known to re-use gift bags multiple times, which is great for the environment and convenient for the gift giver too.

Twisted Rayon Cord: Flexible without being Stretchy

Twisted rayon cord is strong, durable and not at all elastic, which is as it should be. Gift bag cord should support the weight of the intended gift with grace and durability. We carry several different gauges and lengths of pre-cut twisted rayon cord in 16 ready-to-use colors; but we can also do custom colors and lengths to fit your gift-packaging needs. Of course, the bigger or heavier the product that will go into the gift bag, the more reinforced the bag itself needs to be.

Twisted Rayon Cord: Also on Spools

In addition to being used as classy gift bag handles, many merchandisers request bulk twisted rayon cord on spools so they can incorporate the same thread they use in their gift bags into other merchandising ideas, such as hang tag thread for price and product information tags, other wrapping options, etc.

Contact Elastic Connections today to find out more about twisted rayon cord for retail gift bag design: 847-426-6830.

Stretch Loop Bows for Jewelry Gift Boxes

Jewelry can be a personal style statement, a gift of love, or a special memento. And the packaging of that jewelry can be just as much of a statement as the jewelry itself. It’s hard to duplicate the anticipation a small jewelry package generates for the recipient. As the holidays draw closer and jewelry purchases increase, merchandising with stretch loop bows is a smart choice.

Many high-end jewelry shops choose pre-tied elastic bows for their jewelry boxes because they are classy, yet quick and easy to apply to the box in-store. We receive many questions about the size of the pre-tied bow loops that they need for their boxes, particularly as the trend toward larger, unconventional jewelry pieces continues to grow.

stretch loop jewelry gift boxes

The following is a general guide for deciding the length of the finished pre-tied elastic loop you may need for your jewelry boxes:

  • Earring, ring and bracelet boxes: For a box of 3″ x 2″ x 1″, a 3-inch pre-tied bow makes sense.
  • Larger bracelets, small necklaces: A box of 3.5″ x 3.5″ x 1″ would require a 4-inch pre-tied bow.
  • Necklaces: For a typical 6.5″ x 3.25″ x 1″ box, a 5-inch elastic loop would work.

For larger, unconventional pieces of jewelry:

  • A box of 7″ x 5″ x 1″ would need a 7-inch pre-tied bow.
  • A box of 10″ x 7 x 1.25″ would need up to an 8-inch loop.

All of these lengths are available in both 1.2mm and 1.7mm gauges, and those come in a wide variety of colors and finishes, including metallic gold, silver and several other gorgeous metallic colors. These are the loop sizes and gauges we traditionally stock, but we can also create custom pre-tied elastic bows for your boxes. So whatever your packaging and merchandising scheme, let us know and we can work with you.

Contact Elastic Connections today at 847-426-6830 for elegant pre-tied elastic bows for jewelry boxes.